Virtual Education Consultant for FAA-PMA-TSO-STC

As a Principal Manufacturing Inspector for the Federal Aviation Administrator from 2006 to 2014 with program responsibility for:  certifications, inspection, and surveillance of complex production facilities.
Administered Federal Aviation Regulations associated with
 (1) Production Certification
 (2) Type Certification
 (3) Original Airworthiness Certification.
I have had program responsibility to assure that the assigned manufacturer(s) meet Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) with respect to type, production, and original airworthiness certification programs, and FAA type or production approvals.
Determined work programs for inspection and surveillance of assigned manufacturing within manpower and budget limitations.
Enable manufactures of aeronautical products quality control systems, organizations, and production facilities to present for airworthiness certification or other approvals for conformity to approved type design and are in a condition for safe operation.
Evaluate quality control system, including inspection, manufacturing and testing procedures, methods, and processes for adequacy, and compliance with FAA requirements.
Evaluate implementation and functioning of quality control systems and assured compatibility between quality control system and implemented inspection and manufacturing procedures and processes.
Approval of manufacturer’s quality control system and Production Manufacturing Approval
Assured on a continuing basis that the quality control system, organization and Production facilities, and aeronautical products of the manufacturer are in compliance with the terms of the certificate and meet CFR’s and airworthiness standards.
Set up surveillance and inspection program to be used at the manufacturer’s facilities and the program required for subsidiary and supplier facilities.
Conducted inspections to determine conformity of test articles and prototypes to the appropriate type design data.

    My Mission Statment:

    “To Promote aviation safety to the highest standard and provide the aviation community and industry with tools and information to meet the highest quality standards above and beyond”